Backstage Footage: Bjørnar Holand and Alexander Rybak – “Bergrosa Vals” (summer of 2017)
In the summer of 2017, Alexander spent some days in the countryside of Lierne, Norway – and took part in the traditional, historical play “Pe-Torsa”, which is a humorous play, performed in the local dialect. Every year, it has a new “secret guest-artist” and this year, it was Alexander, who´s participation was kept top-secret until the very end. Alexander performed as Fritjof, who learned to play violin from Pe-Torsa, the farmer.
More Information About Pe-Torsa
About the Video:
Alexander said: “A little video for you! 🎻I remember this day with happiness. I was out of shape, and I had the flu, when backstage before our performance play, Bjørnar Holand invites me to play some waltz with him. It really made a sick Alex happy.
Video-description: “This is an amateur recording before one of the “Pe Torsa” performances, a proud tradition in Lierne, Norway. Alexander had a fever that day, but playing the “Bergrosa” waltz between the performances with the musician Bjørnar Holand, always helped him to get better.”
Photos from “Pe-Torsa” 2017
Photo: Trønder-Avisa
Photo from Pe-Torsa Website
Facebook-post by Alexander August 28th 2017:
Sometimes it’s important to take a step back, relax, and look upon the world with some HUMOR! 😜 Det vart styggdeili å få være læregutt te’n PE TORSA (sa han på halvveis dialekt). Tusen takk til alle dere som har gjort min hemmelige tilværelse til ren fryd og terapi. Nå har jeg snart blitt frisk også! (Ihvertfall i kroppen)
It was awfully wonderful to be the apprentice of PE-TORSA (he said, halfway in dialect). A thousand Thanks to all of you, who´ve made my secret days, a pure joy and therapy. Now, I am almost healthy too! (at least in the body)